Do your legs hurt when walking, after standing for too long, or even at night when you’re just laying in bed? Leg pain is one of the very common prob...
The benefits of wearing barefoot shoes Barefoot walking is becoming increasingly popular, and it’s no wonder! Barefoot shoes respect the sh...
Barefoot and converse-style in one shoe? YUP! The iconic Converse brand has been adored for many years by almost everyone is adored by al...
The Chelsea boot cut has been a fashion staple for years. Because of its elegant appearance and effortless comfort, people love this design and are ab...
It's unbelievable, we are celebrating our seventh birthday this year and we are very happy to have you with us. Throughout our time, we have accomplis...
Did you know that we have been testing the possibility of growing our own hemp fiber for fabric for a while now? Well, read on to find out how things ...
Hemp is an ecological option with a wide range of benefits. Thanks to hemp products, we have been helping the environment together for more than 6 yea...
Produkty od Bohempie s vámi letos procestovaly pěkný kus světa. V rámci soutěže #bohempiatravel, která probíhala celé léto u nás na instagramu, jsme p...
The fashion industry is one of the thirstiest industries in the world. Did you know that an average of 2,700 liters of water is used per t-shirt, whic...
Pesticides are strong chemicals used on crops to protect them and increase crop yields. These dangerous chemicals seep into the ground and run off in ...
The fashion industry is second behind the petroleum industry as the most pollutive industry in the world, and it’s growing rapidly. Boston Consulting ...
“Half the global population is expected to live in areas of water stress by 2025,” “Cape Town is facing Day Zero, no water,” “California is burning.” ...
All around us today there is a growing desire to establish a new type of society - a sustainable and responsible society so that future generations ca...
The large offer of barefoot models, the growing society interest in this footwear contribute the human come back to natural walking. But how do we go ...
Switching to barefoot shoes in adulthood is not a straightforward process. But through careful gradual approach with respect to one's own body and its...